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Low undergrad GPA but connections & new to pre-reqs? Any chance for PA School?

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Well hello!

K so here's my situation.

I'm soon to be newly graduated with a BS in Psychology. I'm still trying to explore possible things that I want to do career-wise, but one thing that I'm giving serious thought towards is PA School.

However. My undergrad cumulative GPA is looking to be right about 2.8 because of some personal reasons this second to last semester (that I am going to be speaking with my doc about before my final semester in the fall). And yes, I know, most schools want the 3.0. Natural dilemma, right? Ugh.

So here's why I'm even asking.

If I were to seriously pursue this, I understand I'd have to take almost all of the science pre-reqs prior to applying. For the one program I was looking into, I saw that they wanted Medical Terminology (which I just took online at my 4-year institution this past semester and am going to be getting a high A in) and College Stats (taken my freshman year of undergrad with a B).

Basically, in regard to the other pre-req requirements, if I kicked serious butt in these, would these be looked at more closely than my bachelor's GPA? Also, my Medical Terminology class was instructed by/overseen by a prof who is a licensed Physician's Assistant. Would keeping in touch with her/having her vouch for me be helpful? Or perhaps if she'd be able to help me get the experience hours being a prior teacher? My uncle is also a PA for the Army, and I don't know if he'd also be able to help with an 'in' on getting experience.

Basically, because of my low Bachelor's GPA, I'm really trying to grasp whether or not this could be doable before investing even more money and time further.

Any advice at all would be so greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Also, my Medical Terminology class was instructed by/overseen by a prof who is a licensed Physician's Assistant. Would keeping in touch with her/having her vouch for me be helpful?

Oh my no, that connection will not help you. PAs do not get along with Physician's Assistants. In fact, they despise them, they're just so possessive. Never mention a Physician's Assistant, especially at a PA school interview. It's a long back story... but there is a lot of resentment.



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Oh my no, that connection will not help you. PAs do not get along with Physician's Assistants. In fact, they despise them, they're just so possessive. Never mention a Physician's Assistant, especially at a PA school interview. It's a long back story... but there is a lot of resentment.



Sent from the Satellite of Love using Tapatalk



To the OP: Yes, keeping in touch with that physician assistant and showing your interest in the field could possibly land you some shadowing time, that is, if he or she is still practicing. Do a great job and you could possibly get a LOR out of him or her.

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You have a chance.  Just kick butt on the pre-reqs, get many hours of HCE, volunteer hours, take upper division science classes to show you can handle them (do well), take the GRE (do well), and get awesome letters.   Look at schools that look at the last 60 units.


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Also, some schools don't require a 3.0 like the school in Vegas.  There is a guy on this forum who's mascot is a monkey who did what you are trying to do.  Look him up and he has written a guideline on how to improve your GPA.  It's well written and very motivating. 

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Sounds like you haven't taken any science courses, how do you know you want to be a PA? Have you shadowed? Do you have health care experience? First, I would begin by shadowing to make sure it is a career you would enjoy doing. Next step is pre-reqs, do well in those while simultaneously gaining some HCE (CNA, EMT, etc). 

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Also, some schools don't require a 3.0 like the school in Vegas.  There is a guy on this forum who's mascot is a monkey who did what you are trying to do.  Look him up and he has written a guideline on how to improve your GPA.  It's well written and very motivating. 


LOL LMAO Timon ;-) ^5

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