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Personal Statement Question

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So I am applying to PA school for the third time now. I have been to multiple interviews as well as put on some waiting lists. I'm thinking about taking a different approach to my personal statement and I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts. 


My past statements have been pretty professional. I open with a story or reflection of the past and then move right along into my reasons for pursuing PA as well as experience etc. 


I've always gotten high remarks in writing and this year I want to utilize this more in my personal statement. I was thinking of giving it a general theme. For example, I could describe my journey that lead me to applying to PA school through the context of a movie, book or a historical figures life ( I don't have specifics in mind yet this is still a relatively new idea). 


I'm worried that taking an alternate rout from the traditional statement could have one of two drastic reactions, they all love it or they all hate it. 


Am I better off just sticking to the plane jane personal essay ?


Thank you for your help ! 

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The purpose of the statement is to be a marketing piece to make them want to interview you. If you got interviews before, your statement must have been OK. My guess is the reason you aren't getting in is more likely grades, experience, or how you came off on the interviews.


It's hard to say whether more creativity in your statement will work or not. It only costs a few hours to sit down and write a draft, so try it. Then you and a reader or two can give you feedback before you decide whether or not to use it.


My gut reaction is that a little creativity would probably be OK, but too much may make you seem frivolous. Write a draft and see what you think.


And think about why you might not be coming off well in interviews too.

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If you have received interviews, it is much more likely that you lost it there. An interview indicates they were interested in you. Perhaps you did not articulate your knowledge of the profession?


Look at it like this, if your PS was a major problem, you would likely not be getting interviews. I vote keep it the way it is and work on your interview skills in addition to getting more HCE if you are lacking.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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