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GPA help

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i want to apply to pa school for the next cycle but i don't have a really high gpa. I got a BS in chemistry but chem wasn't equivalent to most of the pre-reqs for pa school so i took most of them at community college. i know they look at both pre-req gpa and overall gpa. do they emphasize more on pre-req gap or overall gpa? my overall gpa doesn't make the min avg gpa for most schools but my pre-req gpa does. should i try re-taking some classes over again that i got low grades in such as ochem? 


the majority of my lower grades are from my upper division chem classes from undergrad which aren't even part of the pre-reqs such as inorganic chem and pchem. 


thanks in advance. 

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knguy, I got feedback from one school that my prereq GPA was great 3.89 but they didn't like my BCP GPA of 3.13 which is Biology, Chemistry and Physics. CASPA calculates multiple GPAs and most programs probably won't like any that look below 3.0.


Be aware that CASPA (where all your transcripts go) calculates your GPA based on every class you've ever taken including original grades and repeats both. If your prereq GPA is good but you want to raise some other GPAs like overall GPA, you don't have to repeat courses to do that. You could try to find new courses that are more interesting or relevant to medicine.


That said, if you have a low grade in a critical class such as Anatomy, you probably will want to repeat that. Good luck!

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