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Job before starting PA school?

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Hello all! I am currently a senior at my university and will be graduating in May 2014. The PA program I will be attending begins January 2015. I will be moving back home with my parents after graduation until I start PA school to save money. I of course want to get a job during this time and be productive, and I would obviously like it to be healthcare related rather than working at a restaurant or something like that. I am a CNA and got my HCE by working in nursing homes & home health. I would really like to do something different since I have worked that job for so many hours. The thing is, I don't want to work insane hours because I also want to enjoy my time off while I can. I have looked at CNA type jobs at my local hospital but I'm afraid I would just be working 24/7. 


I have looked into EMT but the amount of training I would have to do would take more time than I would like being that I only have a certain amount of time off. I also really wanted to become a medical scribe, but all of the training programs I have seen want you to be able to work at least a year, and I only have 8 months. 


So, with all of that being said, does anyone have any ideas of some kind of job I can work that is healthcare related, doesn't require a whole lot of training, and won't require me to work all of the time? I know this is probably far-fetched, but any feedback is helpful!

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