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I've got a bit of a problem. In my home state, after a 7 month application process, I've been given a temporary license with restrictions. I recieved restrictions due to a conviction from 12 years ago which did not involve drugs, alcohol, or any violence. The restrictions stipulate that I must have my SP on site at all times, 100% chart review and cannot prescribe any controlled substances for one year.


I've been working hard to find a job in my home state for one month and I have had many interviews, but no job offers. All of the people who interview me state that they would hire me if it weren't for the restrictions. I've been applying for jobs that are undesirable to most people and still not having any success. I know that December isn't the best time to be applying for positions and I am wondering how much that is playing a role.


I knew that I would have problems during the licensure application, so I applied in another state as a backup plan and recieved an unrestricted license. I've got a job interview coming up in this other state, and based on my conversations with the doctor over the phone, I believe he will make me an offer.


If I take this job, I will be leaving my boyfriend, all of my family and friends. I am older than most new grads, 35 to be exact, and the prospect of starting over in a new place is daunting. Probably my biggest concern is losing my boyfriend because he cannot relocate and is not interested in a potentially permanent long-distance relationship.


My question is, should I take the job in the other state or should I wait it out and see if I can find something at home? Do I have a better chance of getting an unrestricted license in my home state if I reapply after a year of working elsewhere? Thanks for any input you can provide!





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I have no personal experience with restricted licenses, but in your position, I would take whatever job I could get.


It's much easier to get another job after you've had a job already. You can take the out-of-state job and keep looking in your state. How far away is the other state? Could you go home to your boyfriend on your days off?


While I reiterate that I have absolutely no knowledge of how restricted licenses work or how the Board would view this, I would imagine that showing a good track record for a year or two in another state might positively influence the decision.


Take whatever job you can, but keep working on your dream situation in the meantime!

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My wife and I were long-distance for a year while I did pre-reqs to get ready for school. When we met, I already knew I would be leaving, but step by step we decided to stick with it. My advice isn't about licenses or jobs, but relationships.


Distance SUCKS. However, experts tend to agree that distance doesn't really cause serious problems in a relationship, so much as it magnifies the ones that are already there. The scheduling and logistics is a pain, but it's not fundamentally different from coordinating your life with the person you live with, or date locally. The loneliness can be bad, but you're at a distance because you're busy with something important, so you have somewhere to concentrate your energy.


People who have studied the phenomenon have noticed that couples who do long-distance relationships tend to accellerate their course. Over just several weeks or a few months, many of them either rush to the painful end of things, or reach a higher level of commitment.


Someone who is up-front and clear about not wanting to do a distance relationship is, in my opinion, doing you a big favor and should be commended. On the other hand, and again it's just my opinion, he's also raising a potential red flag about the kind of partner he might be, if you choose to stay around. The implied message is "I want to be with you... as long as it's not too difficult."

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