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Etiquette for contacting programs about the status of your application

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Several of the schools that I've applied to have sent me e-mails stating that they have reviewed my application and that I am still under consideration. However, there are a few schools who have sent me no correspondence since initially confirming that they had received all of my materials.  I feel that my stats are competitive, but for one of the schools I've applied to I know that they've contacted several applicants telling them that they are still under consideration, however I haven't heard anything.  I've seen on some of the individual school forums where applicants have said that they contacted the schools to see if they are still being considered; is this an acceptable thing to do? I don't want to come off as annoying, but at the same time I'd prefer to know that I'm out of the running now, rather than waiting around for months to end up never hearing anything. Any advice would be appreciated. If it's not out of line to contact them, how should I word my inquiry? Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions!

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My advice is just sit and wait.  This part of the game is no fun but we all gotta play it.  One school I interviewed at told me nothing for a few months, not a single email, then one day got acceptance in the mail.  Another one that rejected me did the same thing but got the email months later, rejection.  So just sit tight and wait.  If 3+ months pass and you are considering accepting someone else, I would just call admissions and say "Hi this is John Doe and I interviewed at your program on 5/5/2013.  Would you possibly be able to tell me the status of my application, or when I can expect to hear a status update?"

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