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Medscape CME

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Sorry if this is a dumb question, but Medscape has a lot of free CMEs. However they are only 0.25 credits each. If I want to be frugal, as a newly certified PA with lots of student loans and use this as my primary go to for CME, does this mean I have to log every single 0.25 separately? Or is there a way to group them. Example, if it's individual I will have to input 200 separate entries to get 50 CME or can I grouped them if I did a bunch of them in a few days. Example say today I did 20 articles at 0.25 each, can I write 5 CME and then just list the names of the artlcles all in the one listing for the specific date completed?


I'm assuming they have to be individual but thought I'd post just in case, due to wishful thinking.



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Yes, you have to log each one separately.  This is not helped by the fact that NCCPA's website seems to have either been designed by 1) incompetents, or 2) people who genuinely want the process of logging CME to be as difficult and painful as possible.  Given Hanlon's Razor, though, #1 seems more likely.

I have never claimed Medscape CME for NCCPA, but it's certainly possible to do so.  The sad fact is, you could easily spend as much time logging the CME as you did taking it in the first place.

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Done that.  You assumed correctly--they have to be individually entered.  It is doable.  During my first 2-year certification, I used Medscape for >70 hours of CMEs because, well, they were free.  I just did them during slow periods at work and then logged them in the same day.  Also, try to pick the few 1 to 1.5CMEs they offer.  I would also recommend Journal Watch which is fairly inexpensive.

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