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Future PA student wanting to work in ER...

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I am currently finishing up my LVN nursing program (graduate in 2 week WHOOT WHOOT). Anyways, I am discovering it is nearly imposible for an LVN to get into the ER setting and I would really like some exposer to trauma situations before going to PA school. I know EM is where I wnat to be after PA school and am thinking that I should for go working as an LVN in long term care after graduation and instead go on to get my EMT and see if I can get into an emergrancy room as an ER tech or maybe work out int he field as an EMT. Can I get some advice in this? Would it be wiser for me to just pass meds in a SNF while I get things lined up for PA school or is becoming an EMT a better option? I thought about putting off PA school and going to complete my RN and try to get into a trauma center for a year or two but to be honest I have no desire to go on to RN school

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Yeah this was my thinking to. EMT's make much less then LVN's but if I can get my foot in doing some EM I think the experience far out ways the amount of money I will be making plus It's one more thing to add to my resume. I found a EMT school in my are that is $700 for a 21 day accelerated program. Well worth it I think. Plus getting a job as an LVN in califfornia is nearly impossible from what I hear

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