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What are my chances?

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I was wondering if you guys have any comments on what you think my chances would be? Also, any advice on strengthening my app would be awesome!


Undergrad Ed School - Mount Vernon Nazarene University ; Muskingum University

Major : Biology Minor : Chemistry

Overall/Cum GPA: 3.72

Science Undergrad. GPA: 3.66

Age at application time: 21



1st GRE: Qual:148 Quant:148

Writing: 4.0. (Plan on retaking)




Healthcare Experience: 700 hours as a Patient Monitor in the ER

- Other work experience as well not related to medical field.


Shadowing: 60 hours total- 15 of an MD; 45 of PAs in Orthopaedics, Neurology, and Cardiothoracic





Phlebotomy Tech (Haven't been able to put it to use)



Extracurricular/Research Activities/Community Service:

Mission Trip to Belize- 50 hours

Habitat For Humanity- 20 hours

Volunteer at ChristTable - 8 hours

Working Basketball Camps- 25 hours

Volunteer for Psychology Research - 10 hours




Deans List (4 times)

Scholarship to play college basketball at MVNU

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You probably have a good chance of getting into schools that have low or no patient contact hour requirements. To improve your application, definitely get your GRE score above 300 if you can (that is the weed out score for many schools) and try to get some direct patient contact experience. Maybe take an EMT or CNA course so that you have more doors open to you.

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When are you applying? If it's this year, I'd think you have a good chance to land some interviews IF: 1)You write a rad personal statement 2)You have strong letters of recommendation 3) You can up your GRE score a bit (arguable how much schools look at GRE scores). That being said, I'm not sure how many programs are still accepting and actively evaluating apps at this time of year.


If you're applying next year and you rack up some good hands on HCE (and knock out the items mentioned above), I think you have a great shot.

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