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Question About HCE

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I am new to this forum and I am applying for PA school this Fall. One major question I have is about the health care experience. I have been a medical technologist for the past two years out of college. Over the past two years, I have accumulated over 4000 hours of work in the health care field. The vast majority of my experience is from these two years of working full time in the lab. I do have some shadowing hours with various physician assistants and I have also drawn blood fairly regularly at my previous job. Does this put me at a huge disadvantage when competing against applicants who have the majority of their HCE with the patient? Thank you everyone for your help.



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It depends on the school. Most schools score every application based on GPA, letters of recommendation, shadowing, HCE and so forth... As far a HCE, some school don't score it, some put light weight on it, and some put heavy weight. Usually the school tells you how they go about the selection process if you do your research. Be sure you meet the minimum qualifications though. Good Luck!

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I have a job that provides iffy health care experience (medical scribe in an ER), so while I don't actually touch patients I am around them all the time and in the room, etc. When it comes to applying I have been emailing schools I am interested in with a list of my job duties, experience required, etc. The surprising thing is most of the schools that say "hands on" or "direct" patient care have accepted my hours - so you never know, it really will be up to the school.

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