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Prerequisite coursework completed online will not be accepted

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Hello all!


I'm a newbie here. I'm hoping to apply next summer, so I am just going over the current application ahead of time so I can start preparing for it. Maybe someone here can help me with a !! question I have. I have noticed it says on the application that ONLINE PREREQS completed online will not be accepted. I took an online sociology prereq course from RCC. I'm hoping they are referring to prereq coursework that involves a lab like Anat, Physio, and Micro. Does anyone know anything about this? Any help would be much appreciated. thanks!


-Tom Nguyen

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For all the pre-pa hoping to apply to MVC PA program in the future, please be warn that they do not accept any prereq coursework completed online. The policy applies to all prereqs for the program regardless of whether they are general education or core science courses. It doesn't mention it on their website under their prereqs page that they don't accept online courses either. It does mention it on the application form, but isn't it too let if you are applying and didn't know? Anyway, just wanted to give everyone a heads up on this.



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