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PA Programs that start on first Monday of May... Why?

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Might sound like a rant, but i'm honestly just confused. The majority of the schools (for undergrad) out there do not finish their spring semester until at least the first week of May. Every PA program requires a BS degree before the program starts. So... is this an ignorant mistake by PA programs or is it just to avoid having people who are just graduating applicable for their program? I understand it's difficult to go straight from undergrad to PA programs, but this isn't difficult, this is impossible. 


Do schools make exceptions? I just got declined at one school only because I would not have my BS degree by their program's start date (May 4, 2015). However, I do have an interview scheduled for another school that starts during the week of my spring semester finals. Sure, I can probably take my finals the week before (with permission from my instructor), but I sure as hell won't be awarded my degree early. 


Just looking for some clarification.


PS: I understand it's my fault for not reading that I need to have my BS finished before May 4th. In my defense, the admissions process page says its required by the start date in May, 2015 (could not find the exact date).

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