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Hi All.


I'm hoping someone can answer this question for me. I'll be starting PA school in the fall and am contemplating HPSP/HSCP. Don't really understand the difference-looks like HSCP can draw more money for some reason. I'm a former Naval Flight Officer (8 years), so I also have 100% GI Bill (Post 9/11) eligibility. To be honest, with a wife and two kids, the $2k a month isn't that much for me to live on (although HSCP says something like "up to $160,000 for two years"). Anyhow, I'm wondering if I can have my GI Bill pay my tuition while drawing the stipend assoiciated with it and collect HPSP/HSCP money. I've heard of this being done, but wasn't sure. Does anyone have any input on this?



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