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NHSC Loan Repayment Program for PAs - thoughts?

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I have been seriously considering the NHSC Loan Repayment Program once I'm done with PA school (still working on my bachelor's degree right now). Has anyone else looked into this? It seems like it would be a win-win situation. I could work in an underserved community, really help others and get my student loans paid off in 2 to 3 years. What are your opinions on this program? I would love to hear pros & cons.


The cons I can see are: 1) potential for working in an area with high crime, 2) potential for traveling a long distance to an eligible facility, 3) lower salary


The pros I see are: 1) working in an underserved community that really needs help (both personally & professionally rewarding), 2) loans paid off, 3) 2 to 3 years is a relatively short time frame in a long career, 4) gaining experience as a PA right out of school


What are your thoughts?

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What are your opinions on this program? Do it.


1) potential for working in an area with high crime. This varies a lot. Many of the sites are rural with country folks so I wouldn't consider that crime ridden. Many small and mid sized cities have NHSC qualifying clinics in their "downtowns" that are not high crime, it's the large cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, etc, etc that have unsafe pockets.


2) potential for traveling a long distance to an eligible facility. See above, there are sites that qualify all over the country, it really depends on where you're looking to live. Play around with this site: http://nhscjobs.hrsa.gov/external/search/index.seam

3) lower salary. Many of the sites offer the average wage a PA would make in primary care. For instance, here in the Midwest I've seen postings for $85,000 plus $20,000 in loan repayment each year. That's pretty good for this area and it's only for 3 years.

Another good site: http://www.thepalife.com/how-to-go-to-pa-school-for-free-the-nhsc-and-me/



Forgot to mention, there are two types of NHSC programs...a scholarship where you get the money up front and a repayment where you get it while you work. They both have pros and cons but I feel that the repayment offers more flexibility because you're not locked into a contract in case you decide to go into a specialty.

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Forgot to mention, there are two types of NHSC programs...a scholarship where you get the money up front and a repayment where you get it while you work. They both have pros and cons but I feel that the repayment offers more flexibility because you're not locked into a contract in case you decide to go into a specialty.


I agree. I looked at the scholarship option, which pays up front, but you're locked into a 6 year contract if you want it all paid. I like the repayment option because it would only be 2 to 3 years, depending on how much I'd have to finance after scholarships.

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