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Should I re-apply?

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I am trying to decide if I should re-apply to PA schools this summer. The problem with my application is my overall GPA. I struggled in my first couple of years of college, and graduated with a 2.76 overall GPA. I have taken 7 courses over the last 3 years, and it is brought my overall up to a 2.91. Obviously an overall GPA under a 3.0 is a big red flag. However, I have a steady upwards trend in my grades...


Last 66 hours = 3.37

Last 49 hours = 3.49

Last 32 hours = 3.62


I could re-take one of my pre-requisite courses, but I have solid grades in the rest (lowest is a B+ in organic).


When I submitted my CASPA app last fall, the bulk of my work experience (after graduating from college) was in biomedical research (2 years full-time). Since submitting, I completed my commitment to the lab, and began working in a hospital as a Nurse Assistant. Now, I have gained over 1,000 hours of direct patient care experience.


Therefore, my question is... Does anyone think that my chances in the upcoming cycle are much higher than they were this past cycle due to my HCE? I have been accepted to start a 1 year BSN program, but am questioning whether I am giving up too soon. I do not want to be too hasty, and start a $20,000 BSN program when I should just be patient and try again... However, I am not sure if any program is willing to look past a 2.91 overall GPA. Any thoughts?




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