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Hi all,


I apologize if this is not in the correct section or if this has already been asked but have a question about recommendations or references. Right now I have one by a former employer at a physical therapy clinic where I got most of my HCE hours. I know she'll give a strong reference. I'm also getting a reference from a PA that I spent a lot of time shadowing and getting to know.


I'm just trying to figure out who to use for the 3rd reference. I have a professor from undergrad who offered (without me even asking) to write me a reference. She was my undergrad advisor and I took 4 or 5 classes with her. I graduated in 2011 and she is a media & arts professor at a business school. The other option is a professor that I had this summer for anatomy & physiology who doesn't know me as well but I did get to know over the summer. I think I would get a better reference from someone who knows me better but does it matter that she is a media professor versus a science professor who I've known more recently? Just trying to make sure my application is as strong as possible.


If it matters, my undergrad GPA is 3.56 and my post-bacc/science GPA is 3.97. I have about 550 hours right now of HCE but I have my EMT-B and am starting in a few weeks with a volunteer EMS company.


Sorry this is so long but any advice (even if it's 'it realistically doesn't matter) would be great. Thanks!

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