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Need Advice to be more competitive... what should my next step be?

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Hi guys...

I'm new to posting, so please bear with me (it's a bit long). I've gone through many threads trying to gain as much perspective as I can regarding the application process, but it has left me with a big question before applying. Some background:


I'm an older student who recently graduated with a dual science major in Biological Sciences and Health Sciences. Due to some health emergencies and deaths in the family, my GPA dropped half-way through my degree. I was able to have an upward trend when I returned and obtain a ~3.2 GPA at graduation (lower science GPA). Due to the number of credits I have (specifically sciences courses), it is very difficult for me to raise my GPA any further.


I live in CA, but will be applying to both in-state and out-of-state schools when the time comes. In addition to shadowing, I've been working with patients at as a neurofeedback technician for 6 years (adults and children), had an internship working with patients for 4 months at an urgent care clinic under supervision of a PA and DO (taking vitals, patient histories, etc.), worked in a chiropractic office prepping patients for the doctor for 1 year, and worked front office in a DO office for 3 years. In total (with shadowing), I have over 10,000 hours... yet I'm not certified (in discussion with my supervisor to get board certified neurofeedback). At my current job, I'm considered a technician but was trained on-site. I've taken 2 EMT courses with associated internships, but didn't proceed to get my certification (I was young and thought it would be too difficult to be an EMT and a full-time student at the same time).


So, knowing my GPA isn't that high or competitive and that my direct-patient contact is not certified and/or not paid, do I:

1) Retake some pre-req's that are lower than a B at a CC? I'm planning to retake intro psychology and sociology since these courses will be expiring for me prior to applying.

2) Take an EMT course again, quit my job, and start accumulating HCE? (Or any other suggestion for a job with direct patient experience since I'm unsure if my current job as a neurofeedback technician will not suffice for HCE)

3) Take an internship to learn to do injections and do more M.A. hours... but again, this wouldn't be certified/paid.

4) Any other suggestions...


I appreciate any advice or input that you can provide! I really want to be as strong of an applicant that I can be, and with this being the first year I'll be applying, any advice is much appreciated! :)

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Definitely retake as many science course that are lower ham a B anywhere you can. Additionally, search the various school sites to see if there's any other courses you can take (e.g., med terminology). I'm like you, I have over 200 credits so it's very difficult to raise my GPA. As for HCE, I think you are ok but I'm a little confused on your EMT status. It might look better if you had an actual cert rather than trying to explain the whole OJT tech thing. I wouldn't waste time doing MA or anything else really unless it can grant you more money at your job. If that's the case, I'd advocate medic over as it's vastly superior to MA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in response. I moved, and just reconnected the internet. :) Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to retake classes at different CCs in the area, but as a new student to their campus, I received a late registration date and all classes I need have been full. The only thing I can think of is preparing to try again for summer session. Yet, I'm not sure how beneficial it would be if I end up applying this cycle. Any advice?


I've taken Med. Term. in the past, but this was again, a class that is 10 years old. Should I retake it, if I can get in?


Lastly, I apologize for the confusing language of my EMT past. I took 2 seperate EMT training classes at the CC. The first one I was too young to sit for the certification test, so I took it for knowledge. The second time I took the class I was older, passed with an A, but after speaking with people on rotations saying it's a difficult job to have while being a student, decided not to sit for the certification test. I hope that clarifies things. I spoke with my supervisor and am in the process of getting my neurofeedback tech. cert for work. From there, I can try to get Board certified... But do you think that would be helpful? The Board Certification process is pretty pricey. Should I try to get the EMT course, and take the certification test still?


Thanks for your advice and time! I really appreciate it!

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Don't forget to keep in mind that most PA schools will not accept courses that were taken more than 5 years ago, some say 10 years. Make sure you check the specific school requirements, before you apply. It could work to your advantage because those old courses might not even be counted, when you retake the required pre-reqs.

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