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On 12/29/2023 at 4:20 PM, joanneiohc said:

One of the school states that “Documented paid patient care experience of 2,000 hours minimum is required.”

what kind of documents they are looking for as a “documented paid patient care?”

Do I need to send them my payroll to prove it?

Usually schools that require documentation of PCE provide a form to submit or offer guidance as to what the requirements of the document are. I would reach out to the program for guidance of what they expect you to submit in order to satisfy this requirement. Two schools I applied to required verification of PCE, one provided a form that had to be signed by a supervisor or HR representative, the other didn't provide a form. I created a document following the template of the to other school's form that included dates of employment, role, description of duties, supervisor and their contact info, and a space for signature by a supervisor or someone from HR. 

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