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My university (in the U.S) does not offer 2 semesters of gen bio the way most schools do, instead the sole gen/intro bio option is a one semester course called introduction to cellular and molecular biology (it is super fast paced and i think is essentially all of gen bio in one semester). After, we take a one semester gen bio lab the following semester. We have to take the course a semester before the lab, we are not allowed to take them at the same time and once again the bio lab is only a semester long. I am confused at what to do about this because nearly all PA schools require 2 semesters of gen bio w/ lab and my university simply does not have it. I am taking genetics this upcoming semester (the second semester of my second year, and next year I will take one semester microbiology with lab along w 2 semesters of A&P w/lab).  I'm pre PA and not sure what to do about my school not having a 2 semester gen bio w/ lab course, if anyone has advice I'd love to hear it. 

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