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2023-2024 Application Cycle

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8 hours ago, goodluck6543 said:

Hi! Has anyone heard back about an interview yet?

Hi! No I have not heard back yet either. I submitted by application May 26th and got the confirmation that SIU received my application May 30th. If I receive an update I will try to post to this group! 

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14 hours ago, PrePa0813 said:

You do not. I asked them a few days ago and they said you only have to submit grad school app after being invited for an interview. I guess this is new this year so they just got everything changed online!


Whoops. I accidently submitted the grad school app after my caspa and prior to my interview invite...

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On 6/20/2023 at 10:03 AM, JTaPA said:

For the grad school app, where it asks for a personal statement, is that the same PS as caspa or is this a different one I need to create? 

It says on the website that you can leave that blank and dont have input any info that is already on caspa. The grad school app is just for submitting the supplemental fee. 

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When did you submit your application/ when was it verified?

On 6/14/2023 at 12:27 PM, tah1234 said:

I just received an invite for a virtual interview on October 16th!


On 6/15/2023 at 7:44 PM, PrePa0813 said:

I did as well!!


On 6/17/2023 at 11:57 AM, futurepalily said:

Same!! See ya there!

When did you submit your application/ when was it verified?

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On 6/25/2023 at 10:02 PM, palmerlily said:

When did you submit your application/ when was it verified?



When did you submit your application/ when was it verified?

My application was submitted 5/29 and I recieved an email from SIU that my application was recieved/verfied on 5/30. I got the interview invite on 6/14. Good luck!!

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