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How important is applying early?

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I would definitely recommend applying as early as possible. But, if you're thinking about applying and the deadlines are soon, I would still go for it and apply. Some of the schools I am applying to grant interviews way before the deadline, so you would be missing out on this opportunity. Also, turning it in last minute I would be worried that everything may not get there on time. If for some reason a school doesn't receive say your supplemental on time, they won't consider you.


I applied in August, with the deadline of most of the schools being October. I think this was pretty good timing, but I do know of people who get their applications out at soon as CASPA allows.


If you have a low GPA and are serious about becoming a PA I would highly recommend applying as early as possible just so that you know you have done everything you can to have your application stand out.


With that being said, I know some schools (such as Marquette) that do not review applications until after the deadline. In this case, it wouldn't matter when your application was received, as long as they get everything in on time.


I hope this helped!

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