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When To Submit Applications, Have you??

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A lot of rolling admissions school include a timeline of their admission's process. I would check to see when your schools start reviewing. I know that Tampa is rolling but doesn't review before the July 1st deadline. Elon Uni is the same way. With rolling admissions, the earlier the better. You should also consider whether you're a guaranteed candidate or someone who could use every advantage they can get. I would apply as early as possible to give yourself the best chances for rolling admissions schools. Then focus on the supplemental apps for non-rolling schools (caspa questions and such).


My applications for rolling schools were verified by 6/1. I'll be working on my non-rolling schools next!

Edited by FooturePA
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Hey guys! So I submitted my CASPA on May 31st. Then on June 7th, my application got sent back to me because of a transcript error. I fixed it and resubmitted that same day, and my application was verified on June 8th (the next day). Almost all admissions have told me that if you submit your application by the middle of June, you are in solid shape and still early. I would shoot for then if possible. Also if you’re waiting on a LOR, you can still submit your CASPA.

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