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Doesn't it Worry You?

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Nope. Go make a few friends, have a social life, spend time with your family, travel, pick up hobbies. Far too many people on these forums (SDN, PAforum, etc) spend WAY too much time "blowing off steam" and dissecting the minutia of their daily clinical experiences. It's to the point where a cursory glance through these threads probably does give off the impression that we're miserable, neurotic and insecure about the profession.


I've met a few PA's in Denver who make upwards of six figures a year working 3 12's a week! Allow me to repeat that- six figures a year for a three day work week. Oh and did I mention they have MEANINGFUL jobs and HELP people for a living? If you can't find a way to be happy in that sort of scenario the problem is most definitely NOT your career. Invest in your life outside of work- there are no academic accolades or degrees that will compensate for a life not fully realized. Many in our field learn this lesson too late and wonder why there is still something missing at the end of their careers- regardless of the letters after their name.

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I spend time on the sdn forums, and there are plenty-probably more of them that second guess their career. I agree with the others-major troll until proven otherwise. Right now you're giving the 14 year old mall ninja/armchair commando vibe.


ROFL!! Mall ninja! Awesome...


OP, if you're serious, I don't see that at all. There may be some who would have chosen a different path (e.g., med school) if given the chance to take a Mulligan on life, but I think that's true of any profession, including MD. It seems most people here are happy with being PAs. At least, that's what I've seen over the time I've been here, which is a bit longer than an hour or so. :)


In case you are serious, I'd suggest increasing your HCE. That way, you'll have a better, real-world view (not the "interwebz" version) of healthcare and the professions in it, and you can judge for yourself what would best suit you. Nosce te ipsum - know thyself.

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