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Pre-PA about to start gap year

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Hi all,

I recently found this forum and I think it's great that everyone is really honest and supportive! I just recently finished my undergrad and I have come to the conclusion that I have to take a gap year. I feel very down and disappointed about this but in reality Covid messed up all of my plans for this year so I wasn't able to get any PCE at all. I only have about 100 hours so I don't think it would be it would make sense to buy this upcoming cycle. My GPA is decent, 3.6 but I can get it up to 3.7 if I retake my genetics credit. 

My question is, after taking my GRE early next year I'm going to dive right in to getting PCE. How should I incorporate shadowing and possibly retaking my genetics credit? I made a C in the class and I'm currently considering either taking it as a credit/noncredit (my university it letting us make this decision mid-january) or just keeping my C. I know a C not the end of the world but it really I feel as though it's weighing down my GPA since I already have 2 Bs for other prereqs. So I'm wondering if I should just take the C and move on with my life or take it as credit so that I can and every taking in the future as most if not all PA programs are not excepting credit for prerequisites? (most TX schools require a genetics credit) I hope this makes sense! 

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