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CNA - Home Care - Health Care Experience?

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There are several different answers to that question most likely based on the fact that it varies by school. The best answer is... check with your schools! Figure out whatever school(s) you're most interested in and pick up the phone. Some schools will detail on their webpage what does and does not qualify as HCE, and some schools you'll have to call or email. I've come across several people on these forums who did home health and it seemed to work for them, so maybe try to find some of those people and talk to them as they've probably already figured out who does and does not count it as HCE. Good luck!

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I did this for a good portion of my HCE and it counted for most schools that I wanted to apply to. I was lucky in that my job was interesting with a new quadriplegic who unfortunately had a lot of complications. Learned about DVTs and anticoagulation, the Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy and wound care, straight cathing, inserting foleys, went to tons of specialist appointments, participated like a PT aide in a very intense therapy program...if you can find a job like that I'd say go for it. Her dad wrote me an amazing LoR. Before that I worked for a month with a stroke survivor who only needed help with transfers and watched TV all day-boring.


The CNA, a weekend phlebotomy class, and a year of this experience led me to get a job as a MA in a Psych ED, so the home care can be a good starting place if you have a couple of years to get HCE.


While in home care, I tried to make my volunteering more clinic/large organization based to round myself out.

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If you're taking vitals, reviewing charts and going over medical history with the patient/patient family, it should definitely count. I know people who have gotten into PA school with HCE as personal trainers. Being a CNA involves a lot more than explaining diet and exercise. Often times you are responsible for determining if an LPN or RN needs to get involved with a patient and you have the opportunity to somewhat shadow the nurse you are under for that shift which includes being able to watch wound care, medical counseling and small procedures on occasion.

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If you're taking vitals, reviewing charts and going over medical history with the patient/patient family, it should definitely count. I know people who have gotten into PA school with HCE as personal trainers. Being a CNA involves a lot more than explaining diet and exercise. Often times you are responsible for determining if an LPN or RN needs to get involved with a patient and you have the opportunity to somewhat shadow the nurse you are under for that shift which includes being able to watch wound care, medical counseling and small procedures on occasion.

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If you're taking vitals, reviewing charts and going over medical history with the patient/patient family, it should definitely count. I know people who have gotten into PA school with HCE as personal trainers. Being a CNA involves a lot more than explaining diet and exercise. Often times you are responsible for determining if an LPN or RN needs to get involved with a patient and you have the opportunity to somewhat shadow the nurse you are under for that shift which includes being able to watch wound care, medical counseling and small procedures on occasion.

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