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Approach not talked about enough

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Rosh is great for what it's worth. 3000 questions with excellent explanations and the rapid review is exceptional. However, 

The pance is nearly identical to the two Packrats that we took. Obviously the questions were different but the difficulty (ya know you get halfway through the vignette and you know its 5th disease, but then it asks "what is a potential side effect of giving chewing gum to ostrich?")..... we've all been there😄

I just took the pance and fortunately passed with a decent score but if I could do anything differently in my prep, it would have been to leave Rosh alone a few/couple weeks before the exam and just work through old packrats or whatever resource is closest to that style/format. My Pance score was 150 pts lower than Rosh predicted, which is par for the course... Rosh is excellent, but it doesn't train the brain to be thinking Pance-wise... 

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I found a bunch of packrats on https://www.scribd.com/. It's a paid website, but I think you can get a free trial. I'd disagree with "The pance is nearly identical to the two Packrats that we took...." because the main reason that people are struggling more this year is that they got rid of many of the buzz words that people used to learn from PANCE Prep Pearls. If anything, I thought that many of the Rosh questions were harder than the PANCE, especially since some of the PANCE questions had shorter question stems. 

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