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Permanent Address Questions

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So I'm in a unique situation. I'm a resident of Texas and I WAS living with my parents in Texas. My family has recently moved to Arkansas, I have followed with (free living!) and have only been here a week. Now that I'm in Arkansas (I only plan to live here until about December until I move back to Texas to a new address) my address is now in AR. When I lived in Texas I lived next door to my aunt who told me I can use her address as a permanent address if I needed because I'm applying to a bunch of Texas schools. When filling out supp. apps. and they ask for current vs permanent mailing addresses should I use my aunt's Texas address for my permanent address to be listed as a Texas resident and my new AR address as current? I ask because if I need to prove that address in TX I don't get any mail to her house but my drivers license shows my old house that has now been sold. I'm a little lost on how to fill out these questions. Any help? I know I should call the schools and ask how they want to me filling it out. I'm waiting for calls back and figured I'd ask on here as well. 

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