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PA Owned Clinic - Malpractice Carriers

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I'm finding that there are many discriminatory obstacles to PAs owning their own clinics. The most recent is that my potential SP says that the contacts, which he has made with the state medical society, says that if I own the clinic, he will be un-insurable.


I know that is not correct, but is another hassle. Any PAs in Washington state who own their own clinics -- which insurer do you use?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mike,

Just sent you a message.

I use Medical Protective.

My agent is out of the Tri Cities

Dave Smith,

Western States Insurance



WSPI has just started to offer PA owned clinics MalPractice, but you have to have two full time physician staff first. years ago, when I started, they said they wouldn't do it.

Good luck. Give me a call if you need anything.


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