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2 Schools- Help!

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Hi everyone! I'm sure everyone asks, but I received two acceptances and am having trouble deciding where to go. I have asked everyone I can, but I still don't seem to know what would be the best option and I thought PA students would know best. Any help would be appreciated! With the first program, I just got a better feeling. I was sure I was going to go to the first option, but they are a newer program and were just recently put on academic probation. They are closer to home and I felt a sense of "family" from the faculty and students. The program is pretty expensive and 29 months with a cadaver lab. The second option is a program that is further away, but an older more established program. I felt a sense of just being another student and they don't seem as helpful in comparison to the other option. They have continued status. but I feel like they don't care as much with providing a good education. They also are about 15k less expensive and 27 months, but they do not have a cadaver lab. 

I'm not sure what things I should focus on- is a feeling really worth going to the school the seems worse on paper? I would love to make a decision soon so that I don't drag this on! Thank you all for your input.

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I’m not sure how well you can tell about how well a school cares about your education until you’re actually in the program - I found the way PA schools treat prospective students is very different than how they’re treated during school, at least in my experiences. I will say, though, I don’t think having a cadaver lab matters much. I was honestly glad we didn’t have one for gross anatomy because they’re so time consuming. Try to find out why the school was put on probation. The tuition you mentioned isn’t much of a difference and the length of the program isn’t either. So all that said, look at their PANCE pass rates, talk to some current or past students if you can and find out especially what they did not like about their programs, and then yep... it’s going to come down to a gut feeling. 

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It's your life and, yes, you can often tell about how a school treats their students during your visit, especially if you got to talk to existing students. And yes, you can look up PANCE pass rates and get similar data.

You will be paying lots of money and giving it lots of effort. Plant yourself where you feel you would best grow.

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Both schools have good pass rates! My only concern is that the older program seems inconsistent with the number of students that take the PANCE for the first time. I'm wondering what happened to the rest of the students... I'm not sure if this is indicative of something but it makes me think that students were either unprepared or dropped the program.

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Both schools have good pass rates! My only concern is that the older program seems inconsistent with the number of students that take the PANCE for the first time. I'm wondering what happened to the rest of the students... I'm not sure if this is indicative of something but it makes me think that students were either unprepared or dropped the program.

Or dropped from the program. The ratio of interest is total students enrolling on day 1 divided by the number passing the PANCE.

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