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Help with experiences section!

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I am currently applying for this cycle and had some questions about inputting information in the experiences section. I was hoping to get some help from some of the more seasoned PA students or those who already graduated. Thanks in advance.

1. When listing shadowing experiences of a PA, does it look better if you shadowed a PA over a longer stretch of time (i.e 10 weeks vs 5 weeks), or is it not that significant? Why or why not?

2. Should you list shadowing experiences other than a PA or MD? For instance, should you list that you also shadowed Physical therapists or a CRNA or does it make them question your desire to become a PA? If you only shadowed someone for 1 day and got let's say a total of 4 hours, should you even bother listing that or no?

I hope to hear from you guys soon as I'm looking to submit my application ASAP. Thank you again!

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1. You should list what you did. If you shadowed a PA for 10 weeks, write that. If you shadowed for 5, well, that's what what you enter. What looks better is irrelevant.

2. I entered all my non-PA shadowing experiences because I learned why I *didn't* want to do those jobs, and used those experiences to confidently answer "why PA" in my personal statement and interviews. But that decision is entirely up to you.


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Guest thePAway

I agree with the comment above, I think they value people having a diverse range of experience because it allows you to know what your other options are and be confident in the path you chose! and as for shadowing I think the more hours you can get the better but it doesn't really matter the time frame.

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