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two quick easy questions!

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Just wondering, I read the calculations FAQ on the CASPA website. I am graduating this May and there's a chance I may either retake a class post-bacc to pull up my GPA or take a biochem or nutrition class to boost my coursework if I don't make it in the first year. Just to clarify, that class or two WILL count as cumulative with my already set undergrad GPA?? I believe that's what the FAQ said, but I just wanted to ask to clarify.


Also, do health science courses such as neuroscience or pathology fall under the "other science" requirement listed on the CASPA website?


Thank you!

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To my knowledge CASPA adds those classes together. For example you retook 2 classes that were 3 units each that you received a "C" in and graduated with a total of 114 units. CASPA will add those classes and include those grades although you replaced them and make it like you actually took 120 units versus the 114 on your transcript.


Regarding the two science classes I would list them as biological science classes.

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