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On the right track?

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Hi guys!! I am a senior at Purdue University, applying next matriculation (so taking a gap year). I wanted some reviews on my application so far. 

A-/B+ for Bio 1 & 2.

B/B for Gen Chem 1 & 2. 

A for Med Term.

A for Biochem.

A/A for Anatomy and Physiology w/ labs.

B+ in Statistics.

A- in Psychology.

I have a couple of C's from Physics, which was unfortunately required for my major. I think that is my only downfall grade wise. I hope to receive an A in micro this semester. I have played on the club volleyball team for all four years, being the community service officer for 2 years along with a couple other leadership positions. I have been a CNA for 3 years with over 1,000 under my belt and continuing to get HCE/PCE through the gap year. I have been a TA for med term the past couple of semesters and have about 50 hours of shadowing and continuing to get more with various specialties. I have volunteer experience in a couple of different areas with a highlight of having about 50 hours  with a hospice company. I already created a CASPA app and have started to slowly fill in each section so that I am ready in May to submit my application to around 8-12 schools.

Is there anything else I can do to better my application? I am really nervous about the Cs even though they aren't pertaining to any of my prereqs.

Thank you!!!

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