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Gastric balloon

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Does anyone have any experience with Obalon gastric balloons?  These balloons can be placed while pt is under fluoro awake in clinic.  Unlike it's predecessor, which must be placed while patient is under sedation with an EGD.  

Are PA's allowed to perform this placement as long as 'supervising physician' is agreeable?  Also, must he/she be present in the clinic to supervise PA?

Just need some more insight


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Do your due diligence on this and read case studies recently. There is a mortality rate that has been in question in regard to deployment. There has not been a specific study yet to link the two. But it is definitely something as a PA I would not want the liability. I’m in GI and we have managed complications from bariatric guys for years. These balloons carry a risk of a gastric outlet obstruction, esophageal perforation, and gastric volvulus ischemia. Words of advice, steer clear.

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