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How to get experience working closer with PAs?

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Hi guys! 

So I graduated with my B.S. in Speech Pathology last May and am taking off a year or two before applying to PA school. Right now, I'm working full-time as a CNA on the Orthopedics and Neurology floor of my hometown's hospital to build up my PCE hours and I have a little over 1,000 hours so far. However, I'm having trouble finding experiences working closely with PAs and networking with healthcare providers for shadowing hours, letters of recommendation, etc. working exclusively on a Med/Surg nursing unit. I've found opportunities to shadow PAs in the family practice I go to but as far as making connections with PAs/MDs that can attest to my clinical skills, I have nothing. I've thought about dropping to part-time as a CNA and possibly working as a Scribe to resolve this, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has/had this problem and what they did to fix it? I would appreciate any and all advice! Thanks! 

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Guest thePAway

I did a summer internship in pediatric oncology and there was no PA on the team, just nurses, physicians, and NPs. I asked the doctors if they could connect me with any PAs in the hospital who I could shadow and they set me up with a GI PA to shadow! Even if there are not PAs working on the same floor as you, I am sure there are some in the hospital who you could shadow especially since you are already an employee there!

I would start by asking nurses and doctors who you work with if they know any PAs!

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