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Last 60 Credit GPA Calculation?

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Hey guys, so I applied to a few schools who look at your last 60 Credit GPA but I'm just wondering if anybody knows how they calculate that especially if your semesters aren't broken up evenly? For example, I took 55 credits in my last five semesters (including spring and summer) and the semester before those five I took 12 credits so that equals 67 credits. Would they look at all 67, or the 55? Or arbitrarily count half the classes I took that semester to get a perfect 60 credits? 

Any input would be appreciated!


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A lot of schools do this. Its not always a great estimate of a student to look at their entire academic career. There are so many cases of students not getting stellar grades in their freshman year but got their stuff together and rocked junior and senior year. Which was my case. I have a cum GPA of 3.29 but my last 60 was 3.86. I am starting PA school at the end of the month and I have to say that the cum GPA isnt always the biggest determining factor.

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