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Audio Digest CME

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I'm a newish PA (about a year in) and am looking to sign up for some CME to do at home. I had heard about Audio Digest from a couple of colleagues. Anyone have any experience with this? The flyer states that if you sign up (I'm family medicine) that you can get a $500 amazon/apple card.....pretty appealing, but if I am going to use a majority of my CME $, I would like to make sure I also get a good amount of information from it.


Any input? Any other CME?

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I have used Audio Digest for years and really liked it.  The lectures were timely and well done and the learning 

was reinforced with their written materials.  It suited my learning style. They have become rather pricey, however.

I was usually able to get the service for $200/year and at that price it was worth it.  AT the current rate - ????

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I used to use AD as well and I really liked it. Digestible (heh), usually relevant, and fairly easy quizzes. However they are expensive, and you'll burn through all your CME money.

I recommend Primary Care RAP from Hippo Ed. Much more affordable. Engaging podcasts, good cheat sheets, and ridiculously easy quizzes.

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