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ShadowMatch111 -- Service that arranges PA shadowing

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Hi, pre-PA students,


I just read in the December edition of PA Professional about a new(?) online service called ShadowMatch111.  From their website:



"Remember when you were starting out and needed to find PA's to shadow? Never easy. It's still painfully hard for aspiring PAs to find shadowing sites. ShadowMatch 111 is designed to fix that.

ShadowMatch 111 will hook up candidate PAs with practicing PAs: "1" candidate, "1" morning or afternoon, "1" time a year. That's all we ask of the PA; welcome to your practice one candidate, one morning or afternoon, one time a year.

ShadowMatch 111 is Anthony Gauthier, an orthopedic PA from Long Beach and Larry Rosen, a family medicine PA practicing in N. Hollywood. They will do all the work of matching and data collecting. All candidates will be pre-screened and instructed on HIPAA regulations and confidentiality. Scheduling will be coordinated with the participating PA."



I haven't tried it and am not associated with it in any way, but it looks intriguing.  Maybe this will help someone out there who is having trouble (like I did) finding someone to shadow.  Anybody have experience with it?



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