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Deciding on a school

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Hi, I am currently trying to choose between Cornell and Mercy. I liked both programs, and I am having a hard time deciding which would be better for me. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts on these 2 programs? Perhaps students from either of these schools?

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Compare tuition, cost of living, rotations/number of elective rotations, PANCE pass rates, where you ultimately would like to work when you graduate, and your gut feeling of which school you would prefer to attend. I'm assuming you've been to the schools for the interviews, also think about which location/environment was more ideal to you.

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I agree with Stars. On paper, several schools looked similar to me. However, once visiting, I quickly realized one was a better fit and one wasn't at all.


When making decisions like this, I like to use the quarter method. Basically, you assign the head side of the quarter to say, Cornell, and the tails side to Mercy. Flip. When you see the result, how do you feel? If you feel excited and good, that's the right choice. If you feel uneasy and find yourself wishing it had landed on a different side, then you're making the wrong call. Seems really silly, I know, but it does work. :)


Good luck!

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also remember - a name of a school isn't everything and you may just be paying for the name. My school and an ivy league school (i will not name names sorry) had about 75% of the same professors, and even notes and tests, but the ivy cost about 40grand more than mine. My Boyfriends brother in law went to the Ivy and I went to the other school. We both scored great on the Pance, both got jobs in the field we wanted, and he has 40 grand more in student loans, PLUS interest. and we had about 50% of the same rotations. do research, find message boards for the students and see what everyone thinks. remember, after your first job, the school name isn't such a big deal.

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