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What to bring to an interview.. if anything...

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So what is best to bring into the interview?


a pad folio with some blank paper and a pen? Copies of your PS and/or supplemental essay? Pre-written questions for the ADCOMS? Or anything else (I'm open to suggestions)?


Or would it be better to bring nothing?

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Into the actual interview, I brought nothing. But I did have my purse with me throughout, in which I had: chapstick, a granola bar, mints, a toothbrush (which I always carry as I brush my teeth after lunch!), my phone (turned on silent as my sister is near the end of her pregnancy), a pen and a lil notebook. The latter were for writing down questions as I thought about them, but only while I was with current students/at lunch/taking a tour, not during the interview. I also brought my own water bottle, but that's because I'm a bit paranoid about that. Every place I've gone to has provided bottles of water and I haven't needed any additional paperwork. I would certainly be familiar with your PS and supp app, but it's not necessary to bring a physical copy of them. The adcom and students will likely answer the majority of your questions so it's not like you'll need to refer to a pre-written sheet. And you should prob recall what you'd like to ask them, anyway. Good luck!!

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