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FP in Baltimore/DC

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I'm starting to set up my rotations and I am looking for a family practice rotation in the Baltimore/DC area. I am out of state so my school doesn't have any affiliations with Baltimore/DC FPs but we are allowed to set up external rotations. I'm from the area and I'm hoping to move back after school. I've been looking up FPs in the area but it's hard to tell which are good or not. Does anyone have any suggestions for practices that were great learning opportunities? Or even FPs that you know of that are willing to take students?


Thanks! :)

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  • 2 years later...

Hey Curleyplyr,


I'm currently on my 4th rotation as a PA student at the Medical University of South Carolina and looking to move to the DC area when I graduate. I was wondering if you ever found an FP to work with for a rotation? I have an elective rotation this summer and would really REALLY love if I could get on in the area. Any advice or information would be very appreciated. Thank you



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Hey Curleyplyr,


I'm currently on my 4th rotation as a PA student at the Medical University of South Carolina and looking to move to the DC area when I graduate. I was wondering if you ever found an FP to work with for a rotation? I have an elective rotation this summer and would really REALLY love if I could get on in the area. Any advice or information would be very appreciated. Thank you



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