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Rural ED Medicine residency

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There are a few- the Bassett one looks promising, but it also looks like there is one in Iowa perhaps? I am in my 2nd year, and am an older student. I want to do rural medicine- and can only believe that having experience in this area, no matter where I end up, would be helpful.


But is it? Would it put me in a better place for being hired at the end? would it be something that a hospital might see as appealing? Or might some see it as a threat? (I'd hope not- the idea of having a PA that could staff and be able to cover the essential thing that *might* happen seems like a good idea....) I'd guess the other option would be to attend a ton of CME's my first several years, but I'd think the real thing with patients might make a lot more sense.


Are there any stats about how many apply to programs?


Any thoughts or personal experiences with such a residency?

There are a few- the Bassett one looks promising, but it also looks like there is one in Iowa perhaps? I am in my 2nd year, and am an older student. I want to do rural medicine- and can only believe that having experience in this area, no matter where I end up, would be helpful.


But is it? Would it put me in a better place for being hired at the end? would it be something that a hospital might see as appealing? Or might some see it as a threat? (I'd hope not- the idea of having a PA that could staff and be able to cover the essential thing that *might* happen seems like a good idea....) I'd guess the other option would be to attend a ton of CME's my first several years, but I'd think the real thing with patients might make a lot more sense.


Are there any stats about how many apply to programs?


Any thoughts or personal experiences with such a residency?


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