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PANCE Question regarding # of questions!!

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So I took my PANCE today....AGAIN, being that I've failed it in the past. Something interesting that was in my head the entire exam was, for some reason, this go around, it was only 5 blocks for a total of 300 questions!!! Now like I said, I've taken it in the past and it was the usual 6-60 question blocks, totaling 360 questions. I spoke to the reps at the testing site and while I was taking the test, they made whatever calls to whomever the powers that be are, and they came up with info that I didn't know of. They said that the PANCE has been updated and it's now only a 300 question exam. Is this right???? I'm NOT going to be happy if I sat there for 5 hours and took an exam that was set up in their error.


Any info is appreciated. :smile:

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