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SF Bay Area ER question

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I was hoping somebody on this board might be able to answer a quick question. I live in San Jose, CA and am a Pre-PA student. I am looking to start volunteering in the ER of a hospital locally. I was wondering which local hospitals are the most likely to have PAs working in emergency medicine. If possible, it'd be great to volunteer at a hospital where I might actually get to meet a PA and observe them.


I have tried searching around the forum and looking through staff listings for the hospitals, but I'm not really coming up with any concrete answers. I had thought perhaps Kaiser, but I'm not sure if the PAs are in the ER there.


Any help would be appreciated!

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No, I have not called any hospitals yet. There are so many hospitals around here, I just thought maybe someone could give me an idea of where to start. I just don't know which ones are PA friendly. I'm not adverse to picking up the phone and calling around if need be.

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