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"Your Decile"

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From the Performance Interpretation Guidelines (the column next to Score Report under Exam Results on the NCCPA website): 


"The second portion of the score report gives a breakdown of performance on the content areas of the PANCE. The first column provides the percentage allocation for each content area included on the exam. The second column indicates the percentage of items you answered correctly in each area. “Your Decile” identifies how your score ranked in relation to a reference group of examinees taking the PANCE for the first time. The decile rankings are from 1-10. If you scored in the 1st decile for the content area, your performance is consistent with the highest scoring examinees or the top 10%. If you scored in the 5th decile, your performance is consistent with examinees that scored in the middle or 50%. If you scored in the 10th decile, your performance is consistent with the lowest scoring examinees or the bottom 10%."

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