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Get app marked complete

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Problem solved- it just took patience and waiting for customer support. I didn't need to call. They marked it complete and it was able to join the verification queue.



All of my materials have been received by CASPA, but the application hasn't been marked complete. I thought that part was automatically done by the computer. I had several problems with the process this year, but I think one transcript is the problem. 


I have a transcript from a health trade school that has been difficult. I emailed and called CASPA to verify that the transcript should be included. They said I have to include it in the coursework section. I had to request that transcript twice because CASPA said they didn't get it. Before I requested it a third time, I called again. The person I talked to said they'd had it for more than a week, but they didn't know what to do with it so they just set it aside because they weren't sure if the name was the same as what I used. I put it as an unlisted institution because I couldn't find it in the list. The rep on the phone couldn't find it in the list, but the transcript processing dept confused it with another listed school. Now, the application is still saying awaiting materials although multiple reps have told me everything is complete and they have no idea what the hold up is. They can't tell me how, when or if they're going to fix the problem.


I started requesting this transcript in July. I pressed submit in August. It took until September for them acknowledge getting all of my materials, but the application still isn't in the queue to be verified. I'm not sure what I should do. It's frustrating to feel like this is so late in the game and now completely out of my control. Do I keep calling customer service or is it better to just sit and wait?  As anyone else had problems like this? 

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  • 2 months later...

I have had nothing but problems with CAPSA.  It has been a complete nightmare.  I spent weeks on the application and they have it so messed up that I doubt I even get into any of the schools I applied to.  They took OVER TWO months to enter in 3 semesters worth of transcripts they received from the college I attended in 1998-1999.  And had I not called and emailed, they still would not be entered.  They received the transcript but somehow missed that I had paid to enter it for me.  I have approved the transcript grades several times and every time I log in, it asks me to approve my grades again.  I have multiple emails confirming my confirmation but they keep having me repeat it.  


How am I ever going to get in with the only way the programs are going to get my app is from this disaster of an organization???



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