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Welch Allyn Medical equipment for sale

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Hey all, I just graduated from PA school this past December, and have some medical equipment I won't be needing because the hospital I'm hired at will have everything I need. Here's a list of what I have:



-Welch Allyn PanOptic 11820 ophthalmoscope

-Welch Allyn Macroview otoscope/throat illuminator

-3.5 volt Convertible Power Handle

-1 patient eye cup

-1 PanOptic ophthalmoscope cleansing cloth

-Rigid carrying case

-Welch Allyn sphygmomanometer, platinum series hand aneroid

-Welch Allyn adult sized blood pressure cuff



These items were bought brand new in fall of 2008, and have been very gently used since and work perfectly. Will sell all for $500. Please message me to discuss individual prices.

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