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Addressing new schools in the narrative.

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I am re-applying this cycle and like clock-work from last year leaving my narrative to the end. I have already started to put it together and actually have two short drafts to choose from, elaborate on and edit. I plan to have this finished and appy's sent by the middle of may.


I applied to one school last year; I was invited to an interview and put on the alternate list (start date is June). My problem is that I am not sure how to address the new schools while updating the school I have alternate status with. This year I will be applying to at least six schools including the one from last year.


Does any one have any suggestions on this one? I know forsure there are folks on these forums that have experience with this.


Muchas gracias

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I don't have any experience with this, but it seems to me a paragraph that begins, "In the past year, I have...." would do it nicely. That way you're showing the new schools that you have recent health care experiences without telling them that you applied last year. You'll also be telling the school that you applied to before that you've done things in the past year to boost your application so that you're an even better candidate than when they put you on the waitlist.

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