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Work & Volunteer Experiences - Awards, Honors, and leadership section

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While working on my CASPA, I noticed this section. I was curious but what consitutes as Awards, Honors, and leadership. Would becoming a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta (prehealth honor society) count in this? Deans or Presidents list?


What about being elected as a chair in a sorority? Would that be considered leadership?


And speaking of sororities, do you list them on the application at all? There was a lot of volunteer and philanthropy involved and required, but nothing I ever really kept log of.


Just curious about what other people are listing in this section. Don't want to miss anything, or add things where they shouldn't be.


Thoughts please.



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I would count Dean's or President's list as awards/honors.


Being the chair of something in a sorority should count as leadership if that position placed you in charge of leading something. However, just being a general sorority member: I would not consider that to be an award/honor/leadership... unless there were some sort of specific honor-based criteria for entering that sorority. The volunteering and philanthropy that you participated in as a sorority member can be listed under the Community Service section in CASPA.


The prehealth honor society should be included in this section because I'm assuming there were criteria that you had to meet in order to get in, right?


Hope this helps! Good luck.

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CASPA states...


Enter any special academic, service, or activity awards you have received. Do NOT enter high school honors. List each award only once. For instance, if you were on the “Dean’s List” for multiple terms, list that distinction only once. If you have more than one honor, select the “add a new entry” button for each. CASPA will automatically sort your experiences from oldest to most recent.

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