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Moving Away--Finances

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Okay so I need advice.


I definitely want to use this PA pursuit as a way to move to another city, explore other opportunities, and just get a new scenery.


I've been researching PA programs that were out of state, and have a few top choices. I am just nervous about moving to a new city (without family) and not having the financial means to be successful. Since most programs understandably do not allow you to have jobs, I am wondering what do the most of you live off of?


As an undergrad, I have a full ride and then some, so I just live off of the refund (I work for HCE hours of course). I am just nervous about moving to a big and expensive city (like DC or Atlanta) and not having the right finances to do so. I am a first-gen, minority student so my family would not be a financial resource at all.


I guess my question is, will programs accomdate you and make sure your tuition costs, living costs, and extra fees are covered through financial aid packages? Any of you have to come out of pocket besides the deposits to hold your seat and other pre admission things? Is it totally doable without a job, another source of income, without family to help out, being 22, etc? I guess I want to know all of this because there is a chance for me to attend an in state program and avoid all of these (or most) problems


Out of state brings more opportunities but a lot more uncertaintity. In state would be more stable but that's not what I want to do.


So any advice, resources I should look into, experiences you may have had with finances and PA, etc would greatly be appreciated.


Thank You :)

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Filling out FAFSA will give you enough unsubsidized loans (6.21% interest) to cover school expenses. You will have to take out grad plus loans (7.21% interest) or private loans for living expenses. Some schools are better than others at assisting you with financial needs. My suggestion is to try and save up as much money as you can during undergrad or the summer before your PA program starts and use some of that for your living expenses. I have a ~$5,000 loan from my final semester of undergrad that i'm going to take out my last week to also put toward my living expenses during PA school.


FYI: I believe you're eligible to take up to $20,500 worth of unsubsidized loans per year during graduate school. You may have some living expense money from that if your tuition cost less than that per year.


I strongly advise you contact the financial aid department of the schools you're interested in attending and set up an appointment to get a better idea of how much money you will have or will need.

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