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Prepping for the OSCE?

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Our program is having us do an OSCE before we go into our clinical year. I am wondering if anyone else had this requirement and how did you prep for it. I have the book and am working through the cases with my gf. Just need some advice is all.





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MUAHAHAHA. Depending on the case, you formulate your differential, narrow it down to what you think it likely is, and determine treatment and plan.


My program requires students to do OSCEs throughout the clinical and didactic years, and not passing can bring heavy penalty (dismissal). We would see 4 patients for 15 mins each, had 5 minutes or so to whip through a computerized charting between on each one and then move on to the next.


Much sweat in those times ... especially because the heat was often turned up in the rooms!! I sometimes wonder if they didn't do that on purpose.

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